Over the years I often found myself anxious, I guess verging on depressed and feeling a bit out of control of my life. What I have found since taking NeuroSpark is that my mental alertness has increased dramatically, I remember things better and I “join the dots” so to speak, i.e. making
connections and coming up with ideas has improved as well as my concentration. I take 2 every morning and one in the afternoon as a boost. I also have found my anxiety feelings have reduced and I feel a bit more steady when faced with difficult situations.
Anxiety a common experience
Anxiety is the most common of all mental health conditions. We all experience it from time to time however some people are more susceptible to anxiety or panic attacks which may appear to come from nowhere, flooding the body and causing an increase in the bodies ‘flight or fight’ response. For most people, the brain’s thought processes rationalise and quickly dampen this response but for a few it lingers for far longer.
Omega-3 may help the brain to steady emotions
Omega-3 DHA is intimately involved in neuronal activity and helps to balance the activity level of the different neurotransmitter pathways including serotonin and dopamine. This balancing may help to steady emotions and reduce anxiety levels to manageable levels and allow everyday functioning.
NeuroSpark® provides omega-3 DHA which may help the brain’s neurotransmitter processes.
NeuroSpark was recommended by my doctor as an adjunctive to prescription medication to help deal with anxiety. There is no doubt that I have seen a significant improvement over the last year. The capsules leave no aftertaste and there is no fishy breath.
I had been taking 3-6gm of fish oil tablets daily for many years. On my doctor’s recommendation I switched to NeuroSpark and within 2 weeks
noticed a lift in mood and ability to concentrate. I have continued taking it for 5 months with dramatic improvements including better sleeping. This is particularly striking as I have been struggling with treatment-resistant mood and anxiety disorders for many years and felt great frustration in my loss of cognitive function so it has been great to have this back. NeuroSpark is an invaluable part of my treatment plan.
In the last 12 months the level of stress in my life increased and I found the ‘brain fog’ was quite debilitating, mostly because it undermined my self confidence and left me feeling anxious and ‘fragile’. I was recommended fish oil – particularly NeuroSpark by a psychiatrist and after about a month I can confidently say I feel like my clear-headed-self again and no longer anxious about what’s going wrong in my head.
NeuroSpark was recommended by my doctor as an adjunctive to prescription medication to help deal with anxiety. There is no doubt that I have seen a significant improvement over the last year. The capsules leave no aftertaste and there is no fishy breath.
I had been taking 3-6gm of fish oil tablets daily for many years. On my doctor’s recommendation I switched to NeuroSpark and within 2 weeks noticed a lift in mood and ability to concentrate. I have continued taking it for 5 months with dramatic improvements including better sleeping. This is particularly striking as I have been struggling with treatment-resistant mood and anxiety disorders for many years and felt great frustration in my loss of cognitive function so it has been great to have this back. NeuroSpark is an invaluable part of my treatment plan.
Over the years I often found myself anxious, I guess verging on depressed and feeling a bit out of control of my life. What I have found since taking NeuroSpark is that my mental alertness has increased dramatically, I remember things better and I “join the dots” so to speak, i.e. making connections and coming up with ideas has improved as well as my concentration. I take 2 every morning and one in the afternoon as a boost. I also have found my anxiety feelings have reduced and I feel a bit more steady when faced with difficult situations.
In the last 12 months the level of stress in my life increased and I found the ‘brain fog’ was quite debilitating, mostly because it undermined my self confidence and left me feeling anxious and ‘fragile’. I was recommended fish oil – particularly NeuroSpark by a psychiatrist and after about a month I can confidently say I feel like my clear-headed-self again and no longer anxious about what’s going wrong in my head.